海藍人魚 如月千早

Implemented at 2021/07/03 16:00:00

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SSR

Max. Lv. 80

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 6428 (7296)

Dance 4962 (5630)

Visual 3478 (3946)

Total value 14868 (16872)

Leader skill Fairy和聲

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的歌唱值提升90%

Skill 群青水面

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 泳池的滑水道比我以為的快很多呢。衝勁也很厲害……亞、亞美,妳別拉那麼大力!不是啦,不是手會痛,是那個……泳、泳衣要……!

After awakened

Rarity SSR+

Max. Lv. 90

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 7232 (8100)

Dance 5583 (6251)

Visual 3912 (4380)

Total value 16727 (18731)

Leader skill Fairy和聲

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的歌唱值提升90%

Skill 群青水面

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 在晴朗的早晨唱清醒之歌,在下雨的午後唱療癒之歌。然後……在溫暖的夜裡唱幸福之歌。願這歌聲能隨著小小水滴,流進人們的心裡……

Supplied costumes





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This card in other languages

Japanese: アクアマリンマーメイド 如月千早

Korean: 아쿠아마린 머메이드 키사라기 치하야