制服系列 四條貴音

Implemented at 2021/07/03 16:00:00

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SR

Max. Lv. 60

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 3928 (4476)

Dance 2802 (3194)

Visual 5064 (5772)

Total value 11794 (13442)

Leader skill Fairy耀眼光輝

Description of leader skill 編制全為Fairy類型時,視覺值提升65%

Skill 真難為情……

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔11秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect分數提升7%,Combo獎勵提升3%

Flavor text 雖然小女子至今穿過形形色色的服裝,但鮮少有如此新奇的感覺。呵呵……不曉得正要出社會的大家是否都有這種感受呢?

After awakened

Rarity SR+

Max. Lv. 70

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 4582 (5130)

Dance 3269 (3661)

Visual 5908 (6616)

Total value 13759 (15407)

Leader skill Fairy耀眼光輝

Description of leader skill 編制全為Fairy類型時,視覺值提升65%

Skill 真難為情……

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔11秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect分數提升7%,Combo獎勵提升3%

Flavor text 那麼 (Producer's name) ,小女子今天就穿著這套服裝回家了。嗯……因為小女子聽說睡覺時應該把西裝墊在被褥底下。

Supplied costumes



Cards added at the same time

Other cards of Takane

This card in other languages

Japanese: 制服シリーズ 四条貴音

Korean: 제복 시리즈 시죠 타카네