歡迎世界 如月千早

Implemented at the time of the game released.

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SSR

Max. Lv. 80

Max. master rank 5

Life 40

Vocal 4764 (5569)

Dance 6252 (7307)

Visual 3370 (3940)

Total value 14386 (16816)

Leader skill Fairy舞步

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的舞蹈值提升90%

Skill 虛擬&現實

Max. skill Lv. 12

Description of skill 每隔13秒以50%機率於7秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 各位,這就是日本自豪的電器街──秋葉原。雖然台灣的光華或韓國的龍山等地也以電器街聞名,但秋葉原同時是知名的次文化街區……所、所以這對貓耳不是我自己想戴的……嗚!

After awakened

Rarity SSR+

Max. Lv. 90

Max. master rank 5

Life 40

Vocal 5359 (6164)

Dance 7033 (8088)

Visual 3791 (4361)

Total value 16183 (18613)

Leader skill Fairy舞步

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的舞蹈值提升90%

Skill 虛擬&現實

Max. skill Lv. 12

Description of skill 每隔13秒以50%機率於7秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 歡迎各位來到『虛擬空間秋葉原』!今天從虛擬空間指南到最新文化的介紹,都將由我如月千早一手包辦。那就跟我一起踏上虛擬空間之旅吧!

Supplied costumes







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Korean: 웰컴 월드 키사라기 치하야