英姿煥發的騎士 如月千早

Implemented at 2020/07/13 16:00:00


The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity R

Max. Lv. 40

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 1938 (2230)

Dance 3606 (4146)

Visual 2770 (3186)

Total value 8314 (9562)

Leader skill Fairy凝聚

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的體力提升20%

Skill 閃耀細劍

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔13秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect判定恢復2點體力

Flavor text 我本來是打算在正式上場前的排練稍微開嗓一下而已……總覺得唱起歌來比平時還要放鬆。呵呵,真不可思議。

After awakened

Rarity R+

Max. Lv. 50

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 2422 (2714)

Dance 4508 (5048)

Visual 3462 (3878)

Total value 10392 (11640)

Leader skill Fairy凝聚

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的體力提升20%

Skill 閃耀細劍

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔13秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect判定恢復2點體力

Flavor text 我被要求配合設定自由演出……「你若是敢再愚弄我,我絕對饒不過你!」……是像這種感覺嗎?

Cards added at the same time

Other cards of Chihaya

This card in other languages

Japanese: 凛然たる騎士 如月千早

Korean: 늠름한 기사 키사라기 치하야