嘉年華舞台 島原艾琳娜

Implemented at the time of the game released.

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity R

Max. Lv. 40

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 2808 (3228)

Dance 1908 (2196)

Visual 3482 (4006)

Total value 8198 (9430)

Leader skill Angel凝聚

Description of leader skill Angel類型的體力提升20%

Skill 熱鬧祭典

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔13秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect判定恢復2點體力

Flavor text 聽說這個老爺爺是電視台的大人物耶!他說「台長命令!在此開始排練!」喔!哇哦♪那麼大家,來盡情熱舞吧~!

After awakened

Rarity R+

Max. Lv. 50

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 3509 (3929)

Dance 2385 (2673)

Visual 4353 (4877)

Total value 10247 (11479)

Leader skill Angel凝聚

Description of leader skill Angel類型的體力提升20%

Skill 熱鬧祭典

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔13秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect判定恢復2點體力

Flavor text 耶──!對不起讓大家久等了~!我會一直跳到筋疲力盡為止的,大家也來揮灑汗水吧~!要一直享受艾琳娜的嘉年華到最後喔~♪

Other cards of Elena

This card in other languages

Japanese: カーニバルステージ 島原エレナ

Korean: 카니발 스테이지 시마바라 엘레나