夜櫻嘉年華 島原艾琳娜

Implemented at 2021/04/12 16:00:00


The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SR

Max. Lv. 60

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 3340 (3808)

Dance 4462 (5086)

Visual 3888 (4432)

Total value 11690 (13326)

Leader skill Angel凝聚

Description of leader skill Angel類型的體力提升30%

Skill 溫暖的光芒

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect判定恢復3點體力

Flavor text 哇,好漂亮喔……我製作的蠟燭在手上閃閃發光……♪小小的火焰晃呀晃地……嘿嘿,感覺心裡也暖和起來了唷♪

After awakened

Rarity SR+

Max. Lv. 70

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 3897 (4365)

Dance 5205 (5829)

Visual 4535 (5079)

Total value 13637 (15273)

Leader skill Angel凝聚

Description of leader skill Angel類型的體力提升30%

Skill 溫暖的光芒

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect判定恢復3點體力

Flavor text 櫻花在舞台燈光照耀下飛舞,真讓人興奮~!就算櫻花凋謝了,艾琳娜的活力也不會凋謝喔♪一起來擁抱春天吧!快點快點♪

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This card in other languages

Japanese: 夜桜カーニバル 島原エレナ

Korean: 밤 벚꽃 카니발 시마바라 엘레나