暖暖咖啡 高山紗代子

Implemented at the time of the game released.

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SR

Max. Lv. 60

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 4692 (5348)

Dance 3770 (4298)

Visual 2826 (3222)

Total value 11288 (12868)

Leader skill Princess和聲

Description of leader skill Princess類型的歌唱值提升60%

Skill 接近的心意

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔11秒以45%機率於5秒間,使Perfect分數提升26%

Flavor text (Producer's name) ,辛苦你來占賞花的位子了。喝下這杯咖啡讓身體暖和起來吧。然後……我待在你身邊的話,會讓你多少暖和一點嗎……?

After awakened

Rarity SR+

Max. Lv. 70

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 5474 (6130)

Dance 4399 (4927)

Visual 3298 (3694)

Total value 13171 (14751)

Leader skill Princess和聲

Description of leader skill Princess類型的歌唱值提升60%

Skill 接近的心意

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔11秒以45%機率於5秒間,使Perfect分數提升26%

Flavor text 從特別的人口中,說出的特別話語……我已經收到了。所以,請你一直待在我身旁……開玩笑的,我只是想說說看這句話而已,呵呵!

Other cards of Sayoko

This card in other languages

Japanese: あったかコーヒー 高山紗代子

Korean: 따뜻한 커피 타카야마 사요코