激戰!沙灘排球 茱莉亞

Implemented at 2021/07/15 16:00:00


The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity R

Max. Lv. 40

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 3724 (4284)

Dance 2890 (3322)

Visual 2036 (2340)

Total value 8650 (9946)

Leader skill Fairy技巧

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的技能發動率提升10%

Skill 撲球

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔11秒以30%機率於5秒間,將Great判定變為Perfect判定

Flavor text 之後要我怎麼練舞都行啦,拜託你讓我彈一下吉他嘛~好不好, (Producer's name) ?

After awakened

Rarity R+

Max. Lv. 50

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 4656 (5216)

Dance 3613 (4045)

Visual 2546 (2850)

Total value 10815 (12111)

Leader skill Fairy技巧

Description of leader skill Fairy類型的技能發動率提升10%

Skill 撲球

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔11秒以30%機率於5秒間,將Great判定變為Perfect判定

Flavor text 說到大海就會想到沙灘排球呢!在艷陽下活動身體,感覺棒極了!好了好了,你別呆呆看著,快來一起玩吧♪

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This card in other languages

Japanese: 熱闘!ビーチバレー ジュリア

Korean: 열전! 비치발리볼 줄리아