雨中妖精燈光秀 高槻彌生

Implemented at 2021/06/12 16:00:00


The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SR

Max. Lv. 60

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 2740 (3124)

Dance 3922 (4470)

Visual 5076 (5788)

Total value 11738 (13382)

Leader skill Angel凝聚

Description of leader skill Angel類型的體力提升30%

Skill 霓虹色的雨景

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect判定恢復3點體力

Flavor text 我想說 (Producer's name) 可能會淋成落湯雞,就帶傘來接你了──!要不要一起散散步呢?

After awakened

Rarity SR+

Max. Lv. 70

Max. master rank 4

Life 35

Vocal 3196 (3580)

Dance 4575 (5123)

Visual 5921 (6633)

Total value 13692 (15336)

Leader skill Angel凝聚

Description of leader skill Angel類型的體力提升30%

Skill 霓虹色的雨景

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect判定恢復3點體力

Flavor text 在水窪上小跳步的時候,雨傘反射的光會讓雨水變得閃閃發亮,就好像施了魔法一樣漂亮──! (Producer's name) ,我是不是也閃閃發亮著呢?嘿嘿♪

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This card in other languages

Japanese: スプライトイルミネーション 高槻やよい

Korean: 스프라이트 일루미네이션 타카츠키 야요이