陽光照耀 我那霸響

Implemented at 2021/03/29 16:00:00

Gasha type: million fes

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SSR

Max. Lv. 80

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 5124 (5816)

Dance 7636 (8668)

Visual 2602 (2954)

Total value 15362 (17438)

Leader skill Princess表演者

Description of leader skill 編制全為Princess類型時,舞蹈值提升95%

Skill 絕無止境的自尊心

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔10秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect分數提升10%,Combo獎勵提升5%

Flavor text 咦,你說本人今天穿得很可愛?是、是嗎?本人可沒有因為要和 (Producer's name) 出門就特意打扮喔……啊,你在笑什麼!?嗚嗚~不要笑了啦~!!

After awakened

Rarity SSR+

Max. Lv. 90

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 5765 (6457)

Dance 8591 (9623)

Visual 2928 (3280)

Total value 17284 (19360)

Leader skill Princess表演者

Description of leader skill 編制全為Princess類型時,舞蹈值提升95%

Skill 絕無止境的自尊心

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔10秒以40%機率於5秒間,使Perfect分數提升10%,Combo獎勵提升5%

Flavor text 好,戰慄滿點又驚險刺激的演唱會開始了喔!各位,你們能跟著一路嗨到最後吧。本人會帶來比最棒還要更棒的表演!

Supplied costumes





Cards added at the same time

Other cards of Hibiki

This card in other languages

Japanese: サンシャイン・ブライト 我那覇響

Korean: 선샤인 브라이트 가나하 히비키