三姊妹咖啡廳[貓] 宮尾美也

Implemented at 2020/09/21 16:00:00

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SSR

Max. Lv. 80

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 6256 (7100)

Dance 3366 (3822)

Visual 4808 (5456)

Total value 14430 (16378)

Leader skill Angel和聲

Description of leader skill Angel類型的歌唱值提升90%

Skill 野貓報恩

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔12秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 喔~志尾,我們辦到了~成功讓一夏和悠利一起出門去了~就照著這個步調繼續下去囉~請多幫忙了喔~呵呵。

After awakened

Rarity SSR+

Max. Lv. 90

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 7038 (7882)

Dance 3786 (4242)

Visual 5408 (6056)

Total value 16232 (18180)

Leader skill Angel和聲

Description of leader skill Angel類型的歌唱值提升90%

Skill 野貓報恩

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔12秒以40%機率於6秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 全~部都圓滿解決了呢~大家都笑咪咪的,真是太好了~那我也把身體卷成一團……嘿咻,可喜可賀,可喜可賀喔~呼……呼……

Supplied costumes

[空貓咖啡廳 喵尾造型]宮尾美也


[空貓咖啡廳 喵尾造型+]宮尾美也

「空貓咖啡廳 喵尾造型」的異色服裝。

Cards added at the same time

Other cards of Miya

This card in other languages

Japanese: 三姉妹カフェ[ネコ] 宮尾美也

Korean: 세 자매의 카페[고양이] 미야오 미야