清爽檸檬起司蛋糕 佐竹美奈子

Implemented at 2020/06/18 16:00:00

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity R

Max. Lv. 40

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 3124 (3592)

Dance 2692 (3096)

Visual 2344 (2696)

Total value 8160 (9384)

Leader skill Princess技巧

Description of leader skill Princess類型的技能發動率提升10%

Skill 冰涼酸甜

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以30%機率於4秒間,將Great判定變為Perfect判定

Flavor text (Producer's name) 先生,我收到大塊起司囉~!國外的東西尺寸就是不一樣呢。咦?我不覺得重喔~我會把這全部用來做飯的♪

After awakened

Rarity R+

Max. Lv. 50

Max. master rank 4

Life 30

Vocal 3905 (4373)

Dance 3364 (3768)

Visual 2931 (3283)

Total value 10200 (11424)

Leader skill Princess技巧

Description of leader skill Princess類型的技能發動率提升10%

Skill 冰涼酸甜

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔9秒以30%機率於4秒間,將Great判定變為Perfect判定

Flavor text 要不要來份最適合在這盛夏品嘗的清爽檸檬起司蛋糕冰淇淋呢?我會替你盛得滿滿的,敬請品嘗爽口的滋味♪

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This card in other languages

Japanese: 爽やかレモンチーズケーキ 佐竹美奈子

Korean: 상큼한 레몬 치즈 케이크 사타케 미나코