冬天也充滿活力! 高坂海美

Implemented at 2020/02/11 16:00:00

Gasha type: permanent

The shown values are achieved when the level is maximum. The values in parentheses are achieved when the level and the master rank are maximum.

Before awakened

Rarity SSR

Max. Lv. 80

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 6172 (7004)

Dance 4818 (5470)

Visual 3352 (3804)

Total value 14342 (16278)

Leader skill Princess和聲

Description of leader skill Princess類型的歌唱值提升90%

Skill 冬日好動女孩

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔13秒以40%機率於7秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 喔~從上面看下去,這坡道還滿陡的呢!?不會唷,我不會害怕,好期待呀♪好~那就開始囉──!預備……呀呼──!!!

After awakened

Rarity SSR+

Max. Lv. 90

Max. master rank 4

Life 40

Vocal 6944 (7776)

Dance 5421 (6073)

Visual 3772 (4224)

Total value 16137 (18073)

Leader skill Princess和聲

Description of leader skill Princess類型的歌唱值提升90%

Skill 冬日好動女孩

Max. skill Lv. 10

Description of skill 每隔13秒以40%機率於7秒間,使Perfect/Great分數提升30%

Flavor text 祭典的氣氛超熱烈的呢~!我也玩了一整天,好開心喔──!大家都有大玩特玩嗎?但是但是,演唱會現在才要開始喔──!要用盡全力玩到最後喔!開始囉~☆

Supplied costumes





Cards added at the same time

Other cards of Umi

This card in other languages

Japanese: 冬も元気いっぱい! 高坂海美

Korean: 겨울도 활기차게! 코사카 우미